
Meaning of an International Earth Day today by #idolcares

International Earth Day is celebrated on March 20th to honor the #Earth and the concept of peace. It is also the day of the vernal #equinox falls, when the biological rhythm of the planet changes, and it goes to its new circle of an awakening of nature and its renewal. ⠀
Said “Earth Day is a special time that is designed to draw the attention of all people to the realisation that the planet Earth as our common home, and to experience our all-terrestrial community and mutual dependence on each other.” Thats what we are facing right now. ⠀
This situation in the world will force people to reconsider their values, find pleasure in less, value their close friends and family even more, and teach them to be self-sufficient and attentive. People will question the system known to them from birth and to take care of our environment more!
Earth Day reminds us that we need to take action now to protect our environment before it’s too late

This photo made by our model Karina @lusgen in Hongkong 
2020-03-20 13:32 IdolCares